
Designers on my Lense

Recently, I'm really into discovering the Montreal area (sadly enough to say, but I'm kind of a tourist when it comes to my hometown...). However, on the past weekend was held the Design Montreal Open House where a bunch of designers open their workshops to the public. It is fun because we get to discover the "behind-the-scenes" of various creations.

The first atelier I attend was BobyBag by jude clothing and was also the one that I prefer the most out of all the workshops visited. In fact, the designer behind this line made a brief presentation on the process employed to come up with a collection! It was very interesting and I learned a lot from her presentation. And I must add that her clothing is quite creative and clean. Nonetheless, I was too shy to ask to take pictures of her inventive workshop. Maybe next year? But, here's an attempt to a picture with the designer herself (don't ajust your glasses, it's blurry).

Right after on the list was Mylène B 's atelier. Compared to the BodyBag workshop, where I thought it was kind of small, this one is smaller! But the designer was really open and talked to us about the steps to her creations and how she manages to do everything in her line from A to Z. I was impressed and really felt comfortable asking her questions. At the end, I asked for a picture with her :).

Here's my silly face (it was a test for the real picture above, hihi!)

Next, we (my cousin and I) improvised and went to Nip Paysage, near Mylène B's workshop. It's an atelier specialized in landscape architecture. At first, I was bleh, but one of the architects, Georges-Étienne Parent , was kind enough to talk us through his passion. It was, surprisingly interesting! :) Here's the project he presented to us.

Mosaic, Place de l'Acadie Park

And, we finally ended our day at Bosses Design. It was kind of boring as a place to visit considering the people there was not as welcoming as we expected it to be, but the fun part was that we get to draw a house each! Here's the results -mine's the orange one- (Attention: we are, by no means, artists)!

They are definitely nothing compared to this imposing yellow house! But hey, we kindda put effort on ours!

Oh wait, it was a lie, we ended our day at McDonald's for some delicious ice cream and wrap! It was a long day and we were both tired by the end.

| H&M T, Holt Renfrew Vintage Bag |

[Nip Paysage, McDonald's, Nui]

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